Civilization ii
Civilization ii

civilization ii

Please be advised that a student’s tuition will increase when the Penn State transcript reflects 59.1 cumulative credits.

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Information on the use of general credits or specific course credits earned by CLEP exams in individual programs of study may be obtained from a student’s academic adviser or from the office of the dean of a student’s college. General credits are applied to a student’s program of study in accordance with the procedures established by the college of enrollment.

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General credits may be used to fulfill degree requirements in any area such use is not necessarily limited to General Education or elective requirements. General credits may be awarded for a CLEP exam that covers material that is not the substantial equivalent of material covered in a specific University course. Credit awarded will not affect a student’s grade-point average at Penn State. If credit is awarded, a student’s University record will carry notation of credit, but no grade will be recorded. Undergraduate students interested in receiving credit for CLEP exams should arrange to have their official grade reports sent to Undergraduate Admissions directly from CLEP. Please note that test availability from CLEP is subject to change, and students should confirm availability of an exam before preparing to take the exam. This evaluation of the credits awarded for College-Level Examination Program examinations is subject to change and may be reviewed and revised periodically by Penn State faculty. More Information about Credit for CLEP Exams

Civilization ii