Personal lexicon
Personal lexicon

personal lexicon

You can also use this technique to underline separated parts of the lexical item. To remedy this you can manually underline the irregular form by selecting the appropriate text with the mouse and pressing F1. If such a form is used in a personal example then it won’t be underlined, hence, the example can’t be used in a usage test because the program doesn’t know what part of the personal example should be extracted. Sometimes inflection rules aren’t sufficient to identify various forms of a lexical item because it inflects in irregular ways.

personal lexicon

How can I find out when a lexical item was last modified?

personal lexicon

For more help defining a custom lexical type see the manual. From here you can add or change conjugation categories and forms. On the Inflection tab make sure that Conjugation is the selected method of inflection. This action will open the lexical type edit dialog. To do this double click on the lexical type within the list. However, if your language isn’t one of the available templates or you’re configuring a custom lexical type then you will need to add conjugation forms manually. Assuming the language you’re learning is represented by one of the templates, this action should configure the lexical types so that they have the proper conjugation forms. If you didn’t select the correct language template when you created the lexicon then you can do it now. To change the conjugation forms for 1 or more lexical types go to the Lexicon Properties dialog by selecting Lexicon Properties under the File menu.

personal lexicon

The Conjugation tab contains the wrong conjugation forms. In the end, you have to decide yourself which expressions or phrases are important enough to demand a new lexical item. In this case, you could assign the synonyms estar apurado and apurarse to tener prisa. However, remember that by not creating a new lexical item you are giving up the ability to assign synonyms and antonyms. In this case, maybe adding some comments and a personal example to the lexical item prisa is sufficient. On the other hand, if you’re a moderately advanced Spanish student then you know tener is used in a lot of situations where to be is used in English and therefore, this phrase might not be much problem as long as you remember the word prisa. Assuming your native language is English then perhaps “to have hurry” is hard for you to remember and therefore you want to create a separate lexical item for it. The choice you make depends on how important the expression tener prisa is to you and how difficult it is to remember. If you do the latter then you might also add a personal example that uses the expression. Now, you could add a new lexical item for tener prisa or you could simply include it in the comments of the lexical item tener (or prisa) assuming that item already exists. Tener is a verb that means to have while prisa is a noun meaning hurry or haste. As an example, let’s look at the Spanish expression tener prisa. The answer to this question depends on how you want to structure your lexicon, how frequently you might use the expression or phrase, and how distinct it is from it’s parts. What's the difference between a definition and a definition entry? This causes the Alternate Definition field to be visible when editing lexical items. To turn on the alternate definition field open the Lexicon Properties dialog under the File menu, select the Other tab, and check the appropriate checkbox. This way you get the benefits of both approaches and the length of alternate definitions isn’t an issue. Therefore, it’s recommended that you use the alternate definition field for definitions in the target language while the primary definition field continues to contain definitions in your native language. Additionally, sometimes it’s very useful to be able to quickly search for a word in your native language. However, using the primary definition field to do this can make it difficult to search the lexical item list when using the native language view. This will allow you to generate definition and multiple choice tests that contain questions exclusively in the target language. If you’re able to write a short definition for a given lexical item in the language that you’re learning then you’re encouraged to so do.

Personal lexicon